SunCoast Digital

SEO Your Sunshine Coast Business Website and Get Noticed on Google

Ready to take your online marketing to the next level?


Reap the rewards of professional Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)


Enjoy more traffic, get more leads, win more business, and attract the customers you love the most


In today’s digital age, your customers demand a strong online presence. And that means being found easily on Google. Getting your website to feature in the search engine rankings (known in the business as SERPs – Search Engine Results Page) takes a technical understanding of how each page on your site is constructed.


The results can be spectacular. You can outrank your competition, generate more leads, as well as attract the type of customers that are the ideal fit for your business.


We use proven strategies tailored to your unique needs to optimize your website’s content, structure, and technical aspects to ensure it both aligns with Google’s search algorithms and resonates with your target customers.


Our experts are ready to help you reach a wider audience and exceed your business goals, starting right now. Call for a free consultation today.


A good SEO company helps you with your online internet marketing.


We start by conducting a comprehensive audit of your website, identifying areas for improvement and developing a customized strategy to enhance your online visibility. We work closely with you to understand your target audience and create content that is relevant and engaging.


SEO mobile search on the Sunshine Coast

Increase your free traffic!


Here’s a quick overview of how we approach getting you ranked on Google and increasing your organic traffic:


  • Keyword research and analysis: We take time to identify the most relevant keywords for your target audience and optimize your website for those keywords.
  • Content creation: We create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience and optimized for search engines.
  • Technical SEO: We make sure your website is technically sound and easy for search engines to crawl.
  • Off-page optimization and link building: We use strategies to build backlinks to your website from high-quality websites, social media, and other online channels, which will help to improve your search engine rankings.
  • On-page optimization: We optimize your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags – all critical technical elements of making it easy for Google and others to understand your site’s intentions and best customers.
  • Local SEO: Critical for your visibility is optimizing your website for local search, which means making sure we identify all angles to get you noticed in local results.
  • Mobile SEO: And finally, with over 60% of local searches undertaken on mobile, we make sure your website is mobile-friendly and responsive, which is critical for those out and about and searching for information on their mobile devices.

Grow your business


By working with our experts and using our proven approach, you can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results, increase your website traffic, and ultimately achieve your online marketing goals.


Good SEO reduces your ad spend and increases your organic traffic


Is it costing you a fortune in Google and Facebook ads to keep yourself in front of customers? Effective search engine optimization makes the most of your position in the organic search engine results (SERPs) and helps reduce unnecessary ad spend by having you appear where customers are looking—without paying for it.


But even better than that, you future-proof your discoverability. The problem with ads is that not only do you eat into your bottom line (and unless you’re an expert, mistakes can be costly!), you also become dependent.


Stop the ads… your traffic vanishes.


By investing in quality SEO of your website, you are building an asset that becomes an essential part of your customer sales funnel.


Search Engine Marketing reduces acquisition costs


By using local SEO services you’ll increase your visibility for Sunshine Coast Google searches


Many of your customers will use a Google search as their first port of call. Current research tells us we have under FIVE seconds to grab their attention. If you’re not in the top ten results, you may as well be invisible.


Building or renovating your website so it is perfectly optimized to be found in a targeted local search by your ideal customer is the entire reason SEO exists.


We want you outranking your competition, and we will outcare our rivals in how we deliver!

Outrank your competition with precision search engine optimisation


Optimizing your business’s online presence works from every angle. It’s not just about making a site load fast or look pretty. Google will rank sites with better engagement higher than those where the customer quickly hits that back button.


And to make sure that Google understands who your site is targeting, we use a rigorous process to determine the precise keywords, site structure, calls to action, and most valued customer so that you get the results you desire.


Effective SEO can also deliver unexpected benefits: we can help you target customers who are easier to deal with and more profitable. We can also design and optimize your site so those customers who are less than a good fit either won’t see you or will move on in favour of a less-well-positioned brand or product.


Outrank your competitors


These days, outranking your competitors isn’t just a way of feeling good. It literally drives you more traffic. And in today’s mobile equipped world, you need to be found right at the top of your ideal customer phone—with a phone number coded to call on click!


What An SEO Specialist Can Do For You To Get More Customers


Get found easily on mobile searches. Help your customers take action


Ever since the iPhone took the world by storm, mobile search has grown exponentially. Now the majority of searches are on a mobile device. And that figure climbs higher for local search.


Imagine. Your customer is out shopping and suddenly realizes they were supposed to pick up a gift for their mother-in-law. We would put money on them reaching for their phone as the first action they take.


You can’t afford not to be found on mobile search.


That’s why an SEO specialist works with the website design itself, along with you the business owner, to make sure that your mobile offering is clear and direct, and is easily found on Google, Bing, and other search engines.


Mobile local Sunshine Coast search


We take the time to understand your business and help you build your online presence


Building you an effective online presence the right way means taking time and effort to understand your unique situation. No business needs the same website design, wording, keywords, calls-to-action, colour scheme… you name it.


We work hard to get in the mindset of your customers. How and where do they search? What terms would they use? How does your business first make contact with your clients?


What is working? What could we help make work better?


Our team are not just technical website and SEO professionals: we’re a husband and wife team with thirty years of business ownership behind them. We’re used to a consultative approach and we’ve been in your shoes many times over. We know business inside and out—and we know website design and SEO inside and out as we’ve been running successful businesses entirely online since 2008.


Reduce the costs of print and legacy media advertising and maximise the return on your marketing budget


It used to be that being visible and easy to find meant spending a fortune on Yellow Pages advertising. Or running full page ads in Sunshine Coast newspapers.


But in the web-driven world, that money is being less and less well spent. Legacy media is nowhere near as effective at precisely targeting your customers. For direct marketing where an immediate action is needed, it’s almost useless compared to a great website call to action, which can have your perfect customer on the phone or emailing in seconds.


And web-based marketing is considerably cheaper than print campaigns.


It all starts with great SEO. Every cent you spend on optimizing your site for the search engines means ALL of your campaigns become instantly more effective.


How Professional SEO Marketing Unlocks The Hidden Potential In Your Business


Successful SEO strategy relies on…


…understanding who you want to target in your business as your ideal customer. Once we know that, then we can begin configuring your site’s workings behind the scenes and working side-by-side with you to craft the public-facing content.


Smart SEO relies on a combination of proper technical structure and quality content that addresses customer expectations.


Our expert search engine marketing consultants find the low-hanging fruit that will bring you more customers


In almost all cases, local enterprises miss out on great search terms and keywords customers are using to try to find businesses like yours.


Sometimes, business owners don’t even know what customers search for to find them!


We will dig deep to find those wonderful terms that immediately connect you with the right type of customer.


Job done!


Effective SEO works seamlessly from top to bottom to integrate into your online marketing


Your website is an integral part of your business. Far more than just an online ad, a clever SEO strategy makes your website a valuable acquisition tool.


With a background in business broking, we can also confirm that the first thing a prospective buyer of your business will do is look at your website. And they’ll definitely run a Google search to see if you come up in the rankings.


Optimizing for search results so you appear in the SERPs and your site works seamlessly in with your overall business marketing strategy is essential.

SEO Services Help You Stay Ahead of the Competition


Once your business hits the big time at the top of local Google search results, you’ll love how easy it is to get new customers so much… that you’ll want to stay there forever.


Smart business owners understand that web maintenance isn’t just about keeping it updated. Using SEO as a competitive advantage can save you $$$ in advertising, but more importantly, it defends your position among the local community.


When people see you everywhere, they remember.


SEO can improve your reputation in the community, and be a pillar in growing your business.


Being found easily on Google improves trust. By adding in Google Business Profiles; ensuring you are found in the Google Map Pack, and making sure that every search term used features on the first page of the SERPs means you become a recognized part of the local community.


Your name and brand become better known.


Word of mouth grows.


All of which helps Google behind the scenes see you as THE authority (an SEO specialist’s Holy Grail!).


Maintain a high rank in Google


Just to reiterate: Yes, we can help you be found in Google and help you outrank the competition. But to stay there and dominate your market will take ongoing work (which we can do for you!). That means understanding your business operations, building links back to your site, analysing Google’s Search Console and using Google Analytics to identify new opportunities.


All of which mean tweaking, refining and bullet-proofing you against newcomers trying to claim your position.


Once you dominate, you’ll want to stay there!


Google page rank top of page SERP


Good keyword research and content marketing plans make your online presence bullet-proof against Google algorithm changes.


We’ll help you survive Google slaps and Google updates


Google is an innovator, which means they constantly test, then change things. That’s usually to improve the search engine results from the user’s point of view.


Sometimes those changes mean we need to adjust or edit what Google wants to see in your website.


Keeping up with those changes and understanding how to use them to your advantage is OUR competitive advantage. Our mission is to quietly work behind the scenes, so no one ever notices.


Meanwhile, your competitor using less-than-above-the-board tactics to get to number one on Google will sink without a trace.


Google Ranking and SEO Explained

If you’ve read this far, we know you’ve done your homework and understand what to expect from an SEO Services company. So here’s a small peek behind the scenes revealing what we work with when it comes to getting you to the top of those valuable local searches.


Successful SEO starts with proper website design


Ugly websites and pretty websites have nothing to do with Google ranking and SEO


A pretty website may be your worst enemy! Some of the sites we have been asked to renovate have looked lovely… but don’t perform when it comes to search results. Search engine optimization starts with the right plan behind the scenes. With proper keyword hierarchies that match your business’ offerings and the types of clientele you value the most.


We won’t begin by trying to show you flashy carousels, video-banners, or fancy imagery. None of that contributes to getting you noticed by Google – quite the opposite, it could bury you on page 9!


If you already have a website that isn’t ranking, this could feel demoralising. Or you might even feel unwilling to change, given what we call sunk costs. But don’t worry! We’ll take a look over it and, in most cases, making the changes won’t involve an entire overhaul.


And if it does, we’re just the folks to help you turn things around.


Google page speed measurements (they’ll downrank sites that don’t load fast)


In recent years, Google has been measuring how fast sites load. You can check yours here:


If yours is too slow… boom, there go the rankings. Google wants to satisfy its customers and it knows that a slow site is a frustrating site.


And that’s another good reason not to bog down pages with heavy images or videos auto-running behind the scenes.


Google rewards lightning-fast loading, and we know how to achieve that with a light, superior, customer-friendly design.


This is one area where web design and SEO expertise absolutely need to work hand-in-hand.


Responsive design and mobile friendly


“Responsive” is the industry term for websites that respond to the screen size (called the “viewport”) of the device in use. With many customers now exclusively searching on mobile or tablets, it’s no longer enough to design a website that looks great on a desktop or laptop – it has to perform well on mobile devices.


What does this have to do with SEO? Simply put, Google will deprioritize the search results of any page in its index that is not responsive. So making sure your SEO includes highly functional mobile-friendly pages and navigation is non-negotiable.


Needless to say, we test all our designs extensively to make sure they perform correctly no matter the device in use.


Keyword research and website structure


At the heart of your SEO strategy and the very first thing we start with (after understanding your business) has to be thorough keyword research.


Not only is this essential to help you rank well in Google, those keywords must be used in a natural language fashion.


They must also make sense to the visitor and your potential customer.


And they must inform the hierarchy of your site and its navigational structure.


Keyword research is both a science and an art! It takes time to do well, but your website and business will reap the rewards by getting it right and by tweaking and testing over time.


Semantic structure and correct use of html hierarchy.


Think of your website as a book with its chapters and pages laid out for all to see. Headlines and subheaders should all make sense, be appropriately grouped, and chunked together at similar levels of understanding.


The basic premise is to go from big to small, ie. Important keywords go in your topline headers, and what we call “foundational and worker keywords” can be scattered throughout in subheaders and highlighted text. That’s a massive oversimplification, but we have a proprietary method we use to align all of this so that what the customer sees on your site just makes sense and flows.


Effectively integrates with your content marketing to get noticed by Google.


Google loves to show its searchers great content… and fresh content. So any search engine optimization works even better when it’s boosted by regular new content added to your website.


It goes without saying that this content is organized to a hierarchy; has keyword-driven headers etc.

What a technical SEO specialist does


Just as you’d call a plumber or an electrician if you had problems in your physical business premises, there are technical behind the scenes actions undertaken by your local SEO agency that require specialized, trained personnel.


Here are some of them:


Link building


Google loves websites that many other sites also cite or refer back to with links. A well-executed SEO strategy includes link-building with other sites (posting guest articles; gaining citations; directory listings etc) to help position you in the “web of links” so you’ll be noticed by Google.


But not just any old links. In fact, the wrong kind of links can actually penalise your rankings! So beware: a reputable SEO firm knows how to identify good targets and carry out your linkbuilding organically.


Ongoing monitoring of analytics and mining of Google analytics (GA4) and Search Console


How do you know if your search engine marketing is working?


Look under the bonnet!


Fortunately Google has two great tools: Search Console and Google Analytics 4 (“GA4”). An SEO specialist knows how to interpret these complex reports, identify opportunities, and plug any gaps.


They are also a great source of ideas for new ways to find customers and increase organic traffic by targeting underserved search terms.


Internal links


Getting links back from other sites helps strengthen your website in Google’s view, as well as help your customers find you through the internet’s rabbit holes, but an SEO consultant will also make sure your site links well internally. Customers can want more information than exists on the first page they land on, so it’s our job to make sure it’s obvious where to click next!


Ongoing keyword research


While your SEO expert will build a comprehensive keyword plan when they structure and design your site, smart SEO practices require ongoing keyword research. This can reveal fresh opportunities with developing trends and making sure that no matter how the marketplace and customer intent changes, your SEO consultants can keep you close to the top of the rankings.




SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. It’s at the very heart of SEO. Google actually doesn’t rank websites, it indexes “pages” (or urls) and then prioritizes those in relevance, authority, helpfulness, expertise and a whole host of factors.

Our job is to make sure as many of your pages are not only correctly indexed, but that they appear in the SERPs.




As explained above, indexing is the method by which Google’s “bots” crawl the internet looking for web pages to add or update in their index. It’s a giant, interconnected database.


On-page and off-page SEO


On-page SEO is us getting all the keywords, headers, semantic structure, image file names, tags, metadata… and more correctly rendered so that Google can’t mistake what that page or post is about. There are more technical elements we’ll happily chat with you about if you want to geek out sometime…


Off-page SEO we referred to above: this is building a place for your site on the web. By using backlinks and creating compelling content, we use natural and organic techniques to find as many ways as possible to get customers clicking through to your site.


So anything that happens outside of the website structure and content SEO-wise is called “off-page SEO”!


Sustainable SEO techniques…


You may have received calls from companies guaranteeing you #1 on Google. But it’s often not sustainable and may even employ the use of underhand practices (called blackhat SEO in the business). You’ll pay big money for the privilege… and your rank will disappear in a puff of smoke the day you stop paying, or… the day Google bans whatever shady techniques are being used.


Quality SEO demands sustainable techniques that survive Google’s algorithm changes precisely because they are not built on exploiting technical loopholes, but by crafting an organic, well-through-through strategy that fits customer desires and behaviours.


And if it’s helpful to your customers, it’s helpful to Google.




Smart SEO practices don’t just use images to help attract the visitor and help them stay. Behind the scenes, we use images to strengthen your search engine results by aligning every technical aspect of your site’s structure, from file names to captions and titles. Which brings us to…




Alt-text is what shows on any website page if you disable image rendering. It’s also used for screen readers for those visually impaired. Missing alt-text means Google doesn’t really know what that image is supposed to mean in the page’s context.


Even though you personally may never see alt-text visible on a site, any SEO expert worth their salt knows every single image must be optimized in context. And that means knowing exactly where to place it in the site’s backend coding.


Hidden behind the scenes, under the hood, the invisible magic


While a smart SEO company never uses any blackhat techniques, there is a lot we can do under the hood to give you a competitive advantage. Smushing images, minifying css and javascript… caching pages, lazy-loading. You name it, some computer whiz somewhere has figured out how to make it work better.


It’s our job to keep up with this and make sure we’re continually fine-tuning your site to use the latest and greatest tech that Google loves to see.


Meta descriptions and snippets


You’ve probably seen them: you run a Google search for an answer to something (“how to descale a kettle”) and right there at the top are a few sentences of actual text with the exact answer! You don’t even have to go to the site for the thing you most needed to know. But it looks like a great site, so you go there anyway…


What we’ve just described is a “snippet” and is Google’s way of saying to the searcher, “This site is THE most authoritative when it comes to what you’ve just searched for.”


A good SEO expert will do everything they can to get a snippet!


But without a good metadescription, even a great ranking in Google may not get the click you want.


What is a “metadescription” you ask?


It’s text in a hidden code that Google looks for in your page’s background html that describes the page’s content. Like a teaser if you will. A well-written appropriate length meta description will be used in its entirety by Google just below your site’s url in the SERPs.


Without one, Google will attempt to extract the right content from your page to represent what it thinks it’s about. And often this won’t be enticing.


A search engine technician is also a good copywriter: we know how to write shortform sales copy for metadescriptions that gets that click.


Click the button below to talk with our friendly team members now!


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